IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
"A man does not know what he says unless he knows what he doesn't say. "

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Right From The Word ‘GO’!

An incomplete poem....

Right From The Word ‘GO’!

In a queue – marathon, permanent, on the trodden path;

Heads up, backs straight, bypassing a friend or a foe;

With a planned, analyzed, detailed and a calculated aftermath,

Right from the word ‘GO’!

Ah, a goal accomplished…but there is the next one,

And another, the next one - tiny wishes glow;

“Race, run….survive, rest not my son!”

Right from the word ‘GO’!

Can’t I rest or spend a moment alone?

“No lad, no one is. You’ll reach a low…!”

And the queue moves - without a hiss or a moan,

Right from the word ‘GO’!

will complete it later....

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